Each stage of life holds unique financial opportunities. Our series of ebooks take you on a financial journey through your 30s, 40s and 50s looking at saving strategies for single life; the importance of insurance for the family; how to supercharge your super before retirement; and finally, vital investing strategies for your golden years.

Master your Money in your 30s

Climbing the career ladder, perhaps buying a home and starting a family - your 30's are an exciting stage of life. Our introductory guide discusses how to set goals and budgets, pay down debt, build financial resilience and what to consider when organising your superannuation and insurances, as well as a free 'Mastering your Money Checklist', plus much more.

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Master your Money in your 40s

The 40s are, for many people, a critical decade for building wealth. In our introductory guide, we discuss how to set goals and budgets, build financial resilience, budget for big ticket purchases and what to consider when preparing for retirement, as well as a free 'Mastering your Money Checklist', plus much more.

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Master your Money in your 50s

If 50 really is the new 40, then life has just begun. The kids are gaining independence or may have left home, and the mortgage could be a thing of the past. Bliss. But galloping towards you is ... retirement! Our introductory guide discusses what lifestyle you want in retirement, building financial resilience, reviewing your investment portfolio and planning beyond your lifetime, as well as a free 'Mastering your Money Checklist', plus much more.

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Meet Financial Planner, Jerry Reading

Jerry is an accredited financial planner and works alongside clients to help them reach their financial goals. With his extensive knowledge in financial planning, Jerry provides specialised advice in investment portfolios, retirement planning, shares and superannuation, and life insurance.

>> "I understand that finding the right financial planner can be just as important as creating the right financial strategy."
- Jerry Reading, Financial planner

McConachie Stedman Financial Planning is an Authorised Representative of Wealth Management Matters Pty Ltd ABN 34 612 767 807 | AFSL 491619